Noah and Arielle are cutest twins ever. It breaks my heart knowing that Noah can’t be there for his soulmate beautiful Arielle. Hope she is doing well.
He reminds me of my John Carlos a lot here, as he often does, in fact the other day John Carlos had my phone and ended up in my google plus account and showed me a picture of Noah and said, who’s this mommy, is this me, it looks like me but I don’t remember this. Just know that when ever I kiss his “magic cheeks” as I call them (because they make me smile every time I kiss them) I think of Noah and hug him just a little tighter. I also love how Arielle’s beautiful sweet loving spirit shines in this picture, beautiful!
Two beauties, that expression and face of Noah’s gets me every time. So serene and other-worldly, at times. I hope Noah is at rest, though missed terribly.
Hope Arielle is doing well. Think of her often, too.
Wades Vids Thank you for your work, your time and efforts are very much appreciated.
Noah and Arielle are cutest twins ever. It breaks my heart knowing that Noah can’t be there for his soulmate beautiful Arielle. Hope she is doing well.
They are absolutly the most precious, beautiful twins, I think about your family everyday.
So adorable and beautiful. Please give Arielle and Sophia a hug for us.
He reminds me of my John Carlos a lot here, as he often does, in fact the other day John Carlos had my phone and ended up in my google plus account and showed me a picture of Noah and said, who’s this mommy, is this me, it looks like me but I don’t remember this. Just know that when ever I kiss his “magic cheeks” as I call them (because they make me smile every time I kiss them) I think of Noah and hug him just a little tighter. I also love how Arielle’s beautiful sweet loving spirit shines in this picture, beautiful!
Two beauties…God Bless you Arielle and know that Noah is with you all the time <3
Two beauties, that expression and face of Noah’s gets me every time. So serene and other-worldly, at times. I hope Noah is at rest, though missed terribly.