10 thoughts on “Mother of Sandy Hook Victim Noah Pozner Targets Gun Violenceipad”

  1. I prayed for you at the Synagogue of Breslau. I never did that before and I don’t know how to do it, but I just wished very much that your sadness might pass and your hearts might be filled again with hope and joy and laughter

  2. Thank you for posting.  Veronique, who are you?  You are a brave woman, whose family lost their most prized and precious son.  You have every right to take on this issue, publicly, and we thank you for that.

  3. Dear Lenny, I am so sorry for these awful last comments to your post. It’s good they got deleted. You should consider to report the last person for the anti-Semitic comment. This being probably feels safe behind the Google+ name, but no one is anonymous on the Internet. Personal defamation on the Internet is one thing, but anti-Semitic hate speech reaches a different level. In the United States this person might hide behind the First Amendment. In the European Union this last comment is prosecutable.

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