When I saw the photo of Noah for the first time, I cried without knowing what had happened, because I felt he was a good boy, beautiful and full of joy, the cover of my facebook has a picture of him, and I was muitotriste and what do cherei much when I heard had happened, JESUS noah with this now, and not even know it I can say that I have a great affection for him, and I promise you that if I grow qando have a child the man his name will be Noah Luke, I am Brazilian and I am 14 years old call lidia ester
Such a beautiful boy Lenny. I am thankful for his inspiration in my music and my life.
Aww the most beautiful face I have ever seen.
Please share more photos of Noah. I enjoy seeing them. I feel like Noah & you are all part of my family.
I agree with Tara, Lenny
When I saw the photo of Noah for the first time, I cried without knowing what had happened, because I felt he was a good boy, beautiful and full of joy, the cover of my facebook has a picture of him, and I was muitotriste and what do cherei much when I heard had happened, JESUS noah with this now, and not even know it I can say that I have a great affection for him, and I promise you that if I grow qando have a child the man his name will be Noah Luke, I am Brazilian and I am 14 years old call lidia ester